Training hotel
run by the
Salesians of Don Bosco
Damit das Leben junger Menschen gelingt


Responsible for the content of this website

Hotel Don Bosco
Director: Peter Konietzko
Waldwinkler Straße 1
84544 Aschau am Inn
Tel. +49 (0) 8638 / 64-0
Fax +49 (0) 8638 / 64-248
E-Mail to Peter Konietzko

Responsible body

Deutsche Provinz der Salesianer Don Boscos
Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts, München
St.-Wolfgangs-Platz 10
D-81669 München
Phone: 0049 / 89 / 48008-421

Responsible for contents

Peter Konietzko
Address as stated above

Web site services

Department of Social Communication
of the German Province of the Salesians of Don Bosco
St.-Wolfgangs-Platz 10
D- 81669 München
Phone: 0049 / 89 / 48008 - 360

Data protection

Read more (in German)


The contents and the design of internet pages which are connected to our pages by link are beyond our influence. We do not adopt these contents nor do we assume any responsibility for the contents of the linked pages. However, before these links were included here, it was ensured that they are not conflicting with national law and policy and public morals.

In case of links to other websites, a new browser window opens up.

The contents of this website are carefully examined and created at the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, it is not guaranteed that the information offered here and the information of the linked pages are complete, up-to-date, of good quality and correct. No responsibility will be assumed for any damage which might be caused by the use of information or contents of this or linked websites.


The texts, pictures, graphics, and trademarks used in these internet pages are protected by copyright and may not be used otherwise without the express written consent of Hotel Don Bosco. Any disregard of this provision can cause prosecution by civil and penal law.